A great day for the Iraqi people!
"The media is reporting only explosions and suicide attacks that killed and injured many Iraqis so far but this hasn't stopped the Iraqis from marching towards their voting stations with more determination. Iraqis have truly raced the sun.
I walked forward to my station, cast my vote and then headed to the box, where I wanted to stand as long as I could, then I moved to mark my finger with ink, I dipped it deep as if I was poking the eyes of all the world's tyrants.
I put the paper in the box and with it, there were tears that I couldn't hold; I was trembling with joy and I felt like I wanted to hug the box but the supervisor smiled at me and said "brother, would you please move ahead, the people are waiting for their turn".
Yes brothers, proceed and fill the box! These are stories that will be written on the brightest pages of history.
It was hard for us to leave the center but we were happy because we were sure that we will stand here in front of the box again and again and again. Today, there's no voice louder than that of freedom.
No more confusion about what the people want, they have said their word and they said it loud and the world has got to respect and support the people's will.
God bless your brave steps sons of Iraq and God bless the defenders of freedom.
Aasha Al-Iraq….Aasha Al-Iraq….Aasha Al-Iraq."
-- Mohammed and Omar of Iraq the Model

It was absolutely fantastic watching the news and reading blogs today. It is killing the media to have to report of the high turnout for the voting. It is killing the media to have to report that hundreds of suicide bombers did not detonate and the streets did not run red with blood as was promised. As of my last read, 9 bombs were successful with 44 dead. It sucks ... It really sucks, but nothing is without sacrifice.
In all the news reports I have seen today, I can almost hear the teeth grinding as information is being reported. There is a desperation to report anything negative. You can almost physically see them stretching for something derogatory to report.
Iraqis have embraced the opportunity for democracy... Even the percentage of women voters is higher than predicted. Iraqis walked, in some places, up to 13 miles to get to the nearest polling places... and it is killing the Democrats, liberals, and the media. If this is their reaction, imagine what Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is feeling today. Karma is a bitch and may he rot in hell.
There is much still to do and to suffer through, but my money is on the Iraqi people.
God bless your brave steps sons and daughters of Iraq and God bless the defenders of freedom INDEED.
Stay cool and safe!
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