A Nou Nou Abroad...
"The thing is, Adam, time travel is like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book. You've got to throw yourself in, eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers - or is that just me? Stop asking questions. Go and do it!"-- The Doctor, Doctor Who
"That's it! I'm going to Paris! I'm going to shop my ass off!"-- Donna, Becker
"An au pair is a live-in baby sitter. They work for room and board. They're usually foreigners"-- Jack Gallo, Just Shoot Me
"Behave yourself cherie... or Nanny will be forced to use the wooden spoon!"-- Belize, Angels In America
"Didn't your mother tell you not to talk to strange frogs?"-- Kermit, The Muppets at Walt Disney World
Well, Lady Cigar Head recommended that I get back to posting on this blog. I keep on meaning to and her suggestion is just the impetus I need. I am not sure how consistent I will be, but I will try to be better!
Since, our Little Buttercup made the suggestion, it seems only right that I write about her and the absolutely fabulous adventure she is on.
Anyhoo... before going to school to become a Barrister Extrodinairé, she has taken a year off and decided to be an au Pair for a French family.
She has been in Paris since August and is having the time of her life... sucking the marrow out of outrageous fortune... All with an excellent sidekick and a besotted french paramour. Ah... life is good for her. Taking care of the kids during the day and setting Paris on fire at night. She is a Monet freak, so her trip to Giverney was a spiritual experience. Very cool! How I envy her...
To follow her travels and exploits, check out Emberina's Blog. To follow her escapades as a Nou Nou (Nanny), checkout Ember In Paris. Her posts are a hoot and her photography amazing so, when you get a chance, take a look.
She is a stellar gourmet cook and will comeback practically fluent in French... this in addition to being fluent in Italian. She is a pretty amazing young Princess in Waiting. We miss her awful!
Well, it is snowing like a S.O.B. here, so I will be heading home early. The Prince Consort awaits my safe return. And remember...
Rester froid et sûr!
Well! It is about friggin' time that you posted something other than the Guiney Whore post!
I've been checking in on you, but to no avail...
Welcome back to the land of the blog, my Cyster. Don't be a stranger, and feel free to comment to your heart's content on my humbleness :)
The new webfilter on base prohibits blog perusal, but I manage through the occasional wireless connection or trip to the library...
You are too kind, ma chatte! (my cat, but if you want to take it crassly, as most of Paris does, think of the most vulgar synonym for cat)
I miss you too, very much! Will continue your neo-Fascist (tee-hee!) rants at a later date... now I need to catch a train and return to Paris.
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