Something To Think About...
"Think about it, Jon - the terrorists are expecting us to hold our elections on Election Day. If we did that, we'd be playing right into their hands"-- Rob Corddry, The Daily Show
I actually consider myself an Independent conservative. Some of my social beliefs are quite liberal and some of my fiscal and global beliefs are quite conservative. If someone put a gun to my head and asked me what party I belong to, I would have to say I was a Republican. Currently, a moderate Republican.
There have been plenty of issues that GW has royally pissed me off, but when it comes to the war on terror, I have drunk the grape cool aid. I am not thrilled with the state of things in Iraq, but I do think that we are not hearing about many of the good things our brave men and women are bringing to the Iraqi people.
People criticize how we came to be there, but in my opinion, the time has passed for recriminations and back peddaling shouldn't be allowed, so shut the Hell up and support our troops. I don't understand how anyone can argue that it is a great thing that children, who were imprisoned for not joining the youth Baath Party, were released by us and that rape rooms have been closed. It is getting better for women in Iraq. Schools are being built. It is far from perfect and it is dangerous, but good things are happening. If freeing women, children, and men from a vicious dictator is not worth fighting for, then what is?
Below are three ads that I saw on that I thought were very interesting and worth a view. Just something to think about.
I think this election is about Iraq. The Democrats will have you believe otherwise. We need to keep firm in our terrorist policy... Actually, I think we need to be badasses... If we had the same political climate in 1941 that we have today, we would all be speaking German. I believe a cut and run attitude has global repercussions and leads to Your Queen looking like this in the future:

Stay cool and safe and PLEASE don't let Nancy Pelosi be third in line!
P.S. You have to check out Christopher Hitchen's article, where he refers to John Kerry as "the Fresh Prince of Massachusetts". I just love this quy!
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