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Here, I'm always right. Here, I am The Queen of the Land. Here, my opinion reigns supreme!

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bliss is Coming... Hopefully This Weekend!

"Oh, bite me."
"Darling, I'd love to, but you're on duty."
"Get in the goddamn car."
"Please, Eve, these public displays of affection must stop. I have a reputation."
"Keep it up, ace, and I'll give you a public display of affection that'll have you limping for a week."
"Now I'm excited."
-- Lt. Eve Dallas and Roarke,
Vengeance In Death

"Not romance but companionship makes the happiness of daily life."
-- Mason Cooley, U.S. aphorist.

"Mason Cooley is a fucking idiot!"
-- The Queen of the Land

The above is an example of the excellent exchanges that J.D. Robb creates for Eve and Roarke. The "In Death" books are my favorite and I get so cranked when they come out. This time around, the lovely Lady Leafton, Duchess of Druid purchased the newest one (shown on the left) and I am sure she is about finished and is almost ready to pass it on to me.... Right milady? Hee.. hee... I can't wait! I need a break from The Fountainhead, which I have rightly and justly made my "bathroom book" if you get my drift. What torture that has been to sludge through...

I think if I close my eyes tight enough and wish hard enough ... surely Roarke will appear!

Stay cool and safe!


Blogger Ember said...

I think I get who the Princess of Leafdom or whatever is... but the Duchess of Druid?? That escapes me. You gotta let a sister know these things...

Oh, and you must mean Howard Roark, right? Just read the damned book. I mean, I think you'd be finished by now. It's definitely one better done quickly than drawn out.

BT-dubbs (I've taken to saying "bay-tay-dubbs"=BTW [bay-tay-doublevay in this bastard language i am learning] because i think it's hilarious), I read Gary Cooper is in the film version. We should watch it when I return stateside.

8:17 PM EDT  

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