Captain Fantastic's Silver Milestone
"In 30 years time, or if this club is still going in 500 years, he will still be one of its greatest ever players."-- Sir Alex Ferguson

I love Roy Keane. I have Roy Keane scheduled to be my fourth husband. Man, he's dark, dangerous, damn sexy, and dreamy and I just dig him down to his bones. I literally have to wipe the drool from my mouth when he appears on the screen. He really does it for me. I cannot stress enough, how much I love Roy Keane. Not in the same way as I love the Prince Consort, but... I do have quite a bit of fiery lust in my heart for Roy. The Prince Consort understands this and humors me quite nicely.
In case any of you are thinking, "Who the hell is Roy Keane?", let me clue you in. He is the Captain of Manchester United and is one of the greatest midfielders that has ever played the game of football (soccer). He has been the mind, heart, body ... the cornerstone of Manchester United since he was purchased from Nottingham Forest in 1993. He has had a stellar career, not without scandal mind you, and he has been on the precipice of his 50th goal for sometime now. The 50th goal watch has been on for a while and I have been rooting for him with excitement and trepidation to reach this milestone. Every game it's... Is this the game? Will he overcome the 49th step that he has been teetering on?
Okay... now that the stage has been set.
This past Saturday, the Prince Consort and I were thrilled to be home together and watch Manchester United play Birmingham City. Picture this... game starts at 10 a.m. EST, we have hunkered down on the couch in our Man UTD regalia. The game started out a bit slow, with Man UTD giving us a few palpatations during the first half, but the excitement was in the air. I suddenly realize that I have to go to the bank (which is like two minutes away and closes at noon) to get some cash for the afternoon festivities we were having with the Flame of Cheshire and her Laird, The Chief. I also had to get more gourmet cuisine for the feline that owns us and lets us live with her. That store is also, VERY close. I am gone for literally 10 minutes and ....
The Gods decided to be cruel to me that day. When I arrived back, the Prince was nervously darting looks at me and I said.. "What? Did someone score?" He bravely said "Yes" ... I said "Who got it?" The pause was palpable and forboding... He reluctantly said "Who do you think?" I quietly said in a pathetic monotone "Not Roy... don't tell me it was Roy."... Ashen faced, he confirmed my worse fears. No sooner had I left ...*SOB* ... My Roy got his 50th goal.
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All I can say, is thanks to our DVR, I was able to stop myself from careening down into a whirling Dervish frenzy. The Prince Consort rushed to rewind the footage, so that I could catch my breath and fill my self with the glow from Roy's glorious goal.
Enough of the sentimental, bittersweet, poignant memory.
Congratulations Roy! You deserve it. I LOVE YOU!!!
BTW... Roy, if you read this post and are concerned with my wellbeing, there is something that will soothe my savaged, tender, heart... Just e-mail me for the directions to my home. It will only take 3 or 4 hours ;^D
Stay cool and safe!
BTW... I assume all pictures are the property of Manchester United or other media outlets.
ok, even though I saw no mention of me in these ramblings, Im going to comment no particular order..
(1) that soccer dude is hot...but american football is better because of Dan Marino:)
(2) I totally agree with you about Condoleeza Rice - i dont understand why women's organizations and black organizations arent holding this woman up as showing what can be accomplished...these are things that that frustrate me about party lines..this goes for both sides..they refuse to let anything crossover - everything is absolute.
But, you gotta admit, her name sounds like it's off a chinese menu..i'll have spareribs with a side order of Condoleeza Rice:P
This brings me to another point..
(3)Being a democrat or in some cases anti-war (which i am not..) doesnt mean you are automatically anti-military..those are just incorrect absolutes again..
I like a bad ass marine as much as the next guy..What i dont like is the retired old guy who gets pissed off b/c I called him Mr. instead of Colonel when he's retired and Im a frickin' civilian.
(4) you think its hard being a republican there? try being a liberal down here! I get my shots in when i can though.. true story..I had a republican committee call here at work asking for the boss..I said "he was out back cleaning his guns":P
While I am a democrat, I'm not blind about it..
--I like Laura Bush..i think GW is a dumb ass but I like Laura Bush so I will assume she saw something in G Dub.
--I'm happy that the Iraqi elections were successful..and that out of all this war crap came something positive. Not ALL liberals want something to fail just so I can say "I told you so". That's just what you republicans all think...:P
And one more thing, Queen, honey, your mother IS always right. As for me, I'm right 99.9% of time...
Love you and your opinions:)
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