The pansy asses are at it again!
"Political correctness is driving machismo underground and recalling effeminacy from exile."-- Mason Cooley
"Political correctness is the natural continuum from the party line. What we are seeing once again is a self-appointed group of vigilantes imposing their views on others. It is a heritage of communism, but they don’t seem to see this."-- Doris Lessing
"Me want cookie!"-- Cookie Monster
got a hold of him

This is an abomination! This is UNAMERICAN! In case you haven't heard yet, the people at Sesame Street are going to have the Cookie Monster discard his monster ways. He is going to be eating more healthy. More fruits and vegetables. He is even going to have a new song called "A Cookie Is a Sometimes Food," where he sings of "anytime" foods and "sometimes" foods. What a bunch of crap! Cookies are for ALL the time!
This PC BS needs to go MIA for this VIQ PDQ! *GGRR* Next are they going to change his name because the label Monster is too hurtful and it may stigmatize him? Maybe he can be the Cookie Challenged Furry Friend?
This is just the tip of the iceberg as to what is going on with the kids of today. The way society is treating children is dreadful. No wonder there are so many whiners in the world. They are being bred this way. They are given everything without having to earn it. Schools now don't encourage competiton. Kids in classes don't have to work up to the gifted kids in the class... No, mediocrity is emphasized. No challenge given. Dumb down baby!
Back to the "healthy" issue. Studies show that childhood obesity is becoming a problem. I acknowledge that. But as I type, I can hear people blaming the obesity woes on the media and fast food conglomerates and the pansy ass, commie liberals enable this way of thinking... The norm is not to take responsibility for your actions anymore. Yeah, let blame McDonald's for the fact that you are a slovenly swine. That's right... those commercials are hypnotizing all of us to go there to eat their diabolical food.
The movie Super Size Me is the biggest scam going. It's so shocking and McDonalds is SO HORRIBLE! BOO HOO! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if you eat at McDonald's everyday you are going to get fat. This is not news. It is about choosing. The guy CHOSE to eat at McDonalds all those times. What did he expect? It doesn't make me want to stop having an occassional order of the best french fries on the planet. Oh.. that's right! Now because of the "controversy" you can't get a super size order of fries. CRIPES!
In regards with the child obesity problem, parents, here's an idea... teach your kid not to eat like a pig by example! There ya go!
Maybe kids shouldn't be plopped down infront of TVs to watch shows or play video games. Maybe... (shocking suggestion coming) the kids and the parents could get off their fat asses and actually do something together. Maybe if an effort was made to bring the sitdown meal back to the norm, then all the fast food crap wouldn't be an issue AND families would actually have to talk to each other at the table *GASP* No! Not communicate! The more you know about your kids life the safer they are.
By talking about the sitdown meal, I am not implying that women be the ones doing the cooking. If they have the time great! If not, the guys can certainly come up with a meal. Bringing kids into the mix and teaching them how to cook would not only give them self-esteem and make them emotionally closer to you, but actually give them life long tools to survive out in the real world. It would also be fun! If it is a single parent household, then some "above and beyond the call of duty" effort should be made. It's hard, but that is the burden that was taken on when the hot guy knocked up the chick, whether they be married or single.
Rather than screwing our kids out of a fun, crazy character like the Cookie Monster, fix the problem at home. Don't rely on the TV to do it for you.
You want some weasel assed pig kid? I didn't think so.
Stay cool and safe! And have a damn cookie... if it is with some milk, it is healthy!
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