"It's not the heat, but the humidity..." Yeah, yeah... screw you.
"What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance."-- Jane Austen
"They do not sweat and whine about their condition"-- Walt Whitman
"If I wanted to feel what Vietnam was like, I would have frickin' gone there!"-- Queen of the Land

The Einsteins who built the college that I work at failed to add an air conditioning system to their plans. Needless to day, one oscillating fan does not make for a happy, cool, calm, and collected Queen.
Another thing... I absolutely adore the Prince Consort, but if he says one more time "You don't know what hot is", I may have to hurt him. I have yet to respond with "Bite me", but I am pretty close. It is my love for him that I keep in perspective that he was born in Alabama, so he does know hot. I have been to Marion in the Summer and it certainly does make Hell seem like an Alaskan cruise... well, my idea of what Hell would be.
He did gleefully point out to me that it is hotter here right now than it is in Alabama. And how is this suppose to entertain me or make me feel better?

Even Roy and Alan are giving thumbs up to the idea! ;) Hee...hee... I do amuse myself.
Once I get out of my heat funk and become less busy during the evening hours, I will get back to posting regularly.
Stay cool and safe... oh, and Bro' don't even think about bringing up Hawaiian heat... I WILL hurt you!
No problems with the heat here, m'dear :)
75 degrees with a nice tradewind...so there :P
Dink :-Þ
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