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Here, I'm always right ...

Here, I'm always right. Here, I am The Queen of the Land. Here, my opinion reigns supreme!

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Location: The World

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Shooting First and Taking Names Later....

"The popular definition of tragedy is heavy drama in which everyone is killed in the last act..."
-- George Bernard Shaw

"I operate from a model of absolute zero tolerance."
-- Mr. Hardin, Class of 1999

"There will be NO drama!"
-- Lady Cigar Head, Marquessa of Mt. Holyoke

I've decided to have a zero tolerance Thanksgiving. I don't know about the rest of you, but the Royal family can be difficult at times. Holidays are especially hard. We are like a pack of wolves during a full moon. There are many egos, personalities, and opinions and there have been times that holidays have been less than filled with merriment. Why do people go nuts at the holidays???

One of my most difficult tasks as Queen of the Land is that of Mediator... Negotiator... Peacemaker... I am taking the day off this year... BTW, this goes for Christmas too... I have decided not to put up with any crap... Those who don't abide by the calm decree I have hailed, will be escorted to the nearest exit... I don't think the Royals want to miss my apple pie or my chocolate marshmallow cream pie..., but if they act up... They will be lucky not to be sent to the tower!

I hope all of my other subjects follow my lead. My goal is a stress free holiday! No Peace... No Justice... No Turkey!

Stay cool and safe! And PETA... I will think of you as I make the gravy with the giblets and the liver and when I gorge on the Turkey, I will whisper your sweet name... Hhmm.. I just realized... People Eating Turkey Alldaylong... :-Þ

Friday, November 18, 2005

My heart is broken...

"It is a sad day for me to leave, but I belive the time has come for me to move on."
-- Roy Keane

Click the pic for the details of the tragedy...

Stay *SOB* cool and *SOB* safe...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Again, making us Christians look like freaks. Thanks Prick!

"Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market place, and cried incessantly: 'I seek God! I seek God!'"
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

"I thought when I was a young man that I would conquer the world with truth. I thought I would lead an army greater than Alexander ever dreamed of. Not to conquer nations, but to liberate mankind with truth, with the golden sound of the word. But only a few of them heard, only a few of you understood. The rest of you put on black and sat in chapel. Why do you come here? Why do you? Dress your hypocrisy in black and parade before your God on Sunday. From love—no. For you’ve shown that your hearts are too withered to receive the love of your divine father. I know why you’ve come. I’ve seen it in your faces, Sunday after Sunday. Fear has brought you here. Horrible, superstitious fear. Fear of divine retribution. A bolt of fire from the skies. The vengeance of the Lord and the justice of God. But you have forgotten the love of Jesus. You disregard His sacrifice. Death. Fear. Flames. Horror. And black clothes. Hold your meeting then, but know if you do this in the name of good and the house of God, against Him and His word you blaspheme."
-- Rev. Mr. Gruffydd, How Green Was My Valley


Excuse me, Pat Robertson... Could you do me a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP! I would start worrying about the Great Equalizer and his evening the score where you are concerned, you hateful and hatefilled piece of garbage.

Stay cool and safe!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Doth mine eyes deceive me?

"The politics of surprise leads through the Gates of Astonishment into the Kingdom of Hope."
-- Max Lerner

Quick! A positive article on the Yahoo Home Page about our Military and their work in Iraq. Drop everything and CLICK quick before they realize their mistake! :-Þ

Stay cool and safe!

Monday, November 07, 2005

All news that's fit to print... on A10

"Bias entails a value-directed departure from accuracy, objectivity, and balance --
not just a distorted presentation of facts."
-- Stephen Klaidman

So... I just heard about this article. As you will note, it is from the New York Times May 22, 2004 and was buried reported on page A10. It isn't still available for free at the website, so here is the text that I copped from San Diego Union-Tribune.

U.S. considering moving 500 tons of uranium from Iraq
By James Glanz

May 22, 2004

VIENNA -- The United States has informed an international agency that oversees nuclear materials that it intends to move hundreds of tons of uranium from a sealed repository south of Baghdad to a more secure location outside Iraq, Western diplomats close to the agency say.

However, the International Atomic Energy Agency has taken the position that the uranium is Iraqi property and the agency "cannot give them permission to remove it," a diplomat said.

The diplomat said the United States was highly unlikely to be deterred by that position and that U.S. officials had contacted the agency on the matter this year, before the Iraq insurgency flared last month.

"I think that if the stuff had not gone up in intensity," the diplomat said, "they would already have moved on this."

An official with the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad confirmed that moving the uranium was under consideration.

"The story I've heard is that no decision has been made as yet," the official said. "That was some months ago. When it was discussed, the view was that it was just too expensive to ship. I doubt that anything has changed."

The official said keeping the material in storage, even amid the instability in Iraq, could be safer than trying to move it. Nuclear experts outside the government said that if the material were moved, it would probably be airlifted and placed in a repository in the United States.

A spokesman for the National Nuclear Security Administration at the Energy Department, Anson Franklin, declined to comment on any possible operation involving the Iraqi uranium. "We do not discuss potential future or ongoing operations," Franklin said.

The repository, at Tuwaitha, a centerpiece of Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapons program until it was largely shut down after the Persian Gulf War in 1991, holds more than 500 tons of uranium, none of it enriched enough to be used directly in a nuclear weapon.

The repository was a target of widespread looting by villagers after the U.S.-led invasion last year. The villagers were for the most part apparently interested in using the barrels that hold the uranium for activities like cooking and storing water. They simply dumped out the uranium sludge and took the barrels.

Although most of the barrels and all but a small amount of the uranium were recovered, the episode was an embarrassment to the United States and left traces of radioactive contamination throughout the village.

Nuclear experts had mixed reactions to the possibility of moving the uranium. The president of the Institute for Science and International Security, David Albright, said officials had long privately discussed plans to take the uranium out of Iraq.

"I would say it's a wise thing to do," Albright said. "The idea of theft isn't crazy."

Of the uranium, 500 tons is naturally occurring ore or yellowcake, a slightly processed concentrate that cannot be directly used in a bomb. Some 1.8 tons is classified as low-enriched uranium, a more potent form but still not sufficient for a weapon.

Thomas B. Cochran, director of the nuclear program at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said the low-enriched version could be useful to a nation with nuclear ambitions.

"A country like Iran," Cochran said, "could convert that into weapons-grade material with a lot fewer centrifuges than would be required with natural uranium."

The New York Times reporting on 500 tons (500 x 2000 lbs = 1,000,000 lbs!) uranium found in Iraq? Does anyone see the absurd hypocrisy here???


*SIGH* Stay cool and safe!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

God smiled and the angels sang ...

"'Hope' is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—"
-- Emily Dickinson

"It ain’t over till it’s over."
-- Yogi Berra

The boys were back to their old form. Roy was looking hot in the stands and Smithy was phenomenal!

May José and the Pussycats experience what Man U did to Arsenal last year... Come on Man U, prove Yogi right!

Stay cool and safe!