Shooting First and Taking Names Later....
"The popular definition of tragedy is heavy drama in which everyone is killed in the last act..."-- George Bernard Shaw
"I operate from a model of absolute zero tolerance."-- Mr. Hardin, Class of 1999
"There will be NO drama!"-- Lady Cigar Head, Marquessa of Mt. Holyoke

One of my most difficult tasks as Queen of the Land is that of Mediator... Negotiator... Peacemaker... I am taking the day off this year... BTW, this goes for Christmas too... I have decided not to put up with any crap... Those who don't abide by the calm decree I have hailed, will be escorted to the nearest exit... I don't think the Royals want to miss my apple pie or my chocolate marshmallow cream pie..., but if they act up... They will be lucky not to be sent to the tower!
I hope all of my other subjects follow my lead. My goal is a stress free holiday! No Peace... No Justice... No Turkey!
Stay cool and safe! And PETA... I will think of you as I make the gravy with the giblets and the liver and when I gorge on the Turkey, I will whisper your sweet name... Hhmm.. I just realized... People Eating Turkey Alldaylong... :-Þ