Happy Halloween, Old Soul's Day, and Samhain!
"The little black cat with bright green eyes
Is suddenly purring there."-- Harold Monro

What I am about to tell is the God's honest truth! Today, as the Prince Consort and I were leaving for work at about 6:30 a.m., he said to me, "Wow, I guess it really is Halloween". I was like, "Huh?" and then I see that sitting by my car in the driveway is a black cat. Now, many of you are probably thinking, "Oh, no... bad luck!" But not I! I was all excited and practically ran to it!
There is Irish that runs through my veins and eventhough I am Catholic, I do not discount the Paganism of Ancient Ireland. I see a black cat and I am attracted to it rather than repelled. Maybe this one, who happily allowed me to pet it is my familiar from some bloodline of centuries ago and I don't even know it. :-Þ
According to Wikipedia: Originally in Britain and Europe, a black cat crossing one's path was considered good luck; however they were also seen by the church as associated with witches. This association with witches possibly stems from pre-Christian Europe when witches weren't considered evil. In fact it was the church, who considered them unholy and pagan, who altered their reputation. The black cat was still usually seen as good luck, however in the USA and parts of Europe which were affected by the witch hunts the association with witches caused them to be considered as bad luck. In places which weren't affected particularly by witch hunts, they retained their status as good luck, and are still considered as such in Japan, Britain and Egypt.
Anywho... before I croak, I want a black cat! Of course, the Black Cat below will do quite nicely ;^D

Stay cool and safe and don't hate the black cat because it is mysterious and beautiful!