They do do chicken right!
"To burn always with this hard gem-like flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life."-- Walter Pater
I haven't come down yet. It is the best high that one could have. Better than crack... better than heroin... The rush still flows in my veins and man, I still have some stash left... As I am here, right now, at my duties, I hear it's siren call all the way from my home in the next town over. *PANT*... I can't get out of my head that it is waiting at home for me. That soon, I will be able to once again be filled with the ecstasy... sensual delight... My blood will sing, my heart will beat like a distant drum, and my cardiologist will wince...

Screw the chicken part, I LOVE the skin... Yummmy! When I eat KFC, I always pull the skin off and eat the chicken first. Then I arrange the skin from smallest to largest and I dig in. It's like my own little line of coke.

I feel it necessary to also say that the sides of mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and cole slaw were nice and tasty too! The biscuits... I think I am getting a bit warm just thinking about those melt in our mouth biscuits. It was suggested to me that I should just tape two onto my ass, since that is where they will end up, but due to my integrity, I decided to come by that grand derrière honestly. I happily ate them! One needs to give purpose to food, so it doesn't feel it gave its life up for me in vain.
Indulge every once in a while in this fabulous legal narcotic! Oh, and PETA, go fuck yourselves! The chicken was awesome!
Stay cool and safe!
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