I hate that place... but I was hypnotized ... oh why did I go there?! *SOB*
"You bastards! Why are you torturing me like this? Why?"-- Ash in The Evil Dead
"But there are also discreditable anguishes, no less excruciating than the others, but of which the sufferer dare not, cannot speak. The anguish of thwarted desire, for example."-- Aldous Huxley

One of the problems is that I hate going to that market. It is a place that carries hard to find items. It is ridiculously expensive. The workers are fine, but the customers suck! They are all these obnoxious tourists from the neighboring state who have a elitist mentality of entitlement. I loathe all of them... They are a bunch of rude fuckers... Selfish, rude, fuckers...
It took me over a week to fall victim of my obsessive desire for these medallions of delight. Today the Prince Consort and I braved entry into the snobbery... and much to my livid chagrin... they not only were out of them, but they have discontinued offering them! Bastards!!!!!
I hate them... may their pinko, commie, bastard hearts fry from the heat of a thousand suns!
We will never go there... I boycott everything they are associated with... Cripes, who am I kidding... I saw they had Double Devon Clotted Cream... how can I fight their fiendish ways?
Stay cool and safe!
You mentioned "shi-shi market"...in Hawaiian Pidgin:
shi-shi = urination
*I love potty humor*
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