The Phoenix Has Risen...
This queen will live. Nature awakes,
A warmth breathes out of her.
She hath not been Entranced above five hours.
See how she ‘gins
To blow into life’s flower again.-- William Shakespeare
Well, I have returned. I was on vacation from the place where I usually do my postings. I have missed my people. I actually feel dizzy with thoughts to write. So much has happened over the past few weeks, but you all know that. I just can't get things in order. So much to say, with so little ambition...
There is one thing I definitely want to mention and it is about the Hurricane. The Prince Consort and my relief charity of choice is the Salvation Army.

Growing up, the Old Fox drilled into all of our heads that the only people who where there on the front lines when he was in the service during WWII was the Salvation Army.
Not once have I ever heard them associated with shameful earmarking of monies that were donated for one cause, but were going to be used to spruce up the office! Also, don't forget that Alabama and Mississippi were slammed too! Alot of towns and cities above sea level need your help!
Stay cool and safe!
P.S. I do think it amusing that those who hate W have suddenly made him more powerful than God. Idiots! Read Ben Stein's rebuttal post via my cyber-Bro, who just had a birthday and probably thinks I forgot about him! Never!
Bro, this is the year of late gift giving... the Virginia Vixen and her kin have been waiting for eons! Patience is appreciated!
** UPDATE **
I was speaking with the Dowager Queen today and she reminded me that my grandfather, who fought in about every major battle in WWI (I kid you not - His discharge papers are incredible.) was a HUGE supporter of the Salvation Army and their work during WWI. Just wanted to add this tidbit!
No gift needed, Cys! Just knowing you're still alive and kicking is good enough :)
Comment SPAM really sucks!
I do enjoy hitting that permanent comment delete button. I think there is a special hell for those bastards Bro...
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