The Light at the End of the Tunnel... TGIF!
"Work is the curse of the drinking class."-- Oscar Wilde
"The drink is slipping its little hand into yours."-- J. Bryan, III, On the start of a perfect weekend, Travel & Leisure, July 1974

The rest of the weekend will consist of taking the Royal pet to the Royal Veterinarian for her yearly shots. If you hear screaming, hissing, and roaring Saturday morning about 9:30 a.m., that is her at her appointment... If you hear the screaming, hissing, and roaring later in the day then that means the Prince Consort and I are watching Manchester United losing to Sunderland... Ack! No stinkin' thinkin'! The boys will prevail!!!
Sunday, I may attempt to cook fried chicken for the first time. It is intimidating, exciting, and scary! We'll see if I have the courage and the energy...
Stay cool and safe, my children! I leave you, especially the ladies, with a pic of my favorite Sheffield United Fan *SIGH*... Ain't he pretty?

Son of a Bitch... the Prince Consort pointed out to me that Sheffield United with be shown NEXT Friday :( Another weekend without seeing the boys...
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