We are not amused....
"The age of chivalry is past. Bores have succeeded to dragons."-- Benjamin Disraeli
"All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness!"-- Tennessee Williams
"You cad!, you dirty swine!"-- Mildred Rogers in Of Human Bondage
"You have all the makings of an outstanding boor."-- Charles Tobin in Saboteur

Well, the Prince Consort and I get HBO and we saw Bill Maher's latest show on Saturday night. I have to say the only reason we tuned in is because we love Christopher Hitchens. We will watch anything Hitch is on. Bill went into bashing mode with fake picture props fresh off his color printer. He went on with a National Enquire story how GW has fallen off the wagon. They were all pretty stupid and I didn't have a problem until he showed a Photoshopped picture of First Lady Laura Bush with a black eye... This is supposed to be funny? Domestic Abuse is funny? Making light of women who have been beaten is funny? This is the lowest of low...
Come on N.O.W., let's get your squeaky wheels rolling. Let's hear your outrage... Or does making a media firestorm against one who makes sport of an abused woman's plight only apply to insults against Democrats?
Stay cool and safe... and Bill, the closest you could even come to being of Laura Bush's class is being her toe jam...
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