The Baby Faced Assassin...
"It is important the club remains in the right hands. I am absolutely on the supporters’ side and think United are in very good hands at the moment. I am a fan myself and only want what’s best for the future."-- Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

In case you weren't aware of it, there is an American on the hunt for Manchester United. Malcolm Glazer is the current owner of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and has decided he wants Man. UTD. You see, Manchester United is a publicly traded company that has no debt. It is a financial force and makes a ridiculous amount of money from sponsorships and fan support. Here in the U.S. we are used to hearing about hostile takeovers and don't think anything of it. This is Glazer's second attempt for the take over and Manchester United shareholds/fans are not going to take it lying down. You see, Manchester United fans are starting a revolution against Glazer.

As you can see by the quote I opened with, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has come out for the supporters and I hope other team members are to follow. I included a picture of Ole with Roy... I have to confess, it was more to be able to look at Roy's hot little bum than to show Ole's baby face.
Anyhoo, that is the latest with the takeover. Thanks for reading, since I know that the majority of the people who stop by couldn't care less. :^D
Stay cool and safe!
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