I LOVE My New Meat Locker!
"O wind, rend open the heat,
cut apart the heat,
rend it to tatters."-- Hilda Doolittle
"Death rides on every passing breeze..."-- Reginald Heber
If Death rides on every passing breeze, then I will happily be his bitch. As I have previously posted, I hate the heat. I don't like being hot... well, I mean, temperature hot, not machisma, charisma hot...
The Prince Consort and I finally broke down and bought an air conditioner for our bedroom. It is so hot in there at night... well, you know what I mean... and it is just unbearable to fall asleep in, although, the Prince can fall asleep at anytime. This is an issue for us, so I won't go there. If I did, I would just get angry... Let's just say, he falls asleep quickly and I could strip him and drag him into the middle of the road naked and not once would he wake up. Sometimes I even put my hand under his nose to make sure he is still breathing! *GGRR* Anyhoo, it is tough for me to fall asleep in general, but the heat makes it even harder.

I do have to confess that at work it is still awfully hot and all I did today was fantasize about the frigid air that comes out of our new, beautiful iced baby. I love that machine... I really do. I think I may even like more than the cat... Well I won't go that far, but it is close! I have to be brave... the Prince and I agreed that we would only turn it on at night, so as not to run up too bad of an electric bill. (Utto, I have a feeling that the Dowager Queen is going to take exception with the grammar in that last sentence.)
I do have a sinking feeling that it will end up being our little bunker. It's only June, so we may breakdown by the August heat wave. But I must remain stalwart and valiant!
Stay Cool and Safe!