Like Vietnam...
"Before Truth sends her triumphant light into the depths of the heart, imagination catches its rays, and the peaks of humanity will be glowing when humid night still lingers in the valleys."-- Friedrich Von Schiller
"Heat, ma'am! It was so dreadful here that I found there was nothing left for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones."-- Sydney Smith
"Too hot to go to Church? What about Hell?-- Anonymous Billboard Author
"It's red hot, mate."-- Tony Hancock
It's hot... it's damn hot! Can you tell, that I am hot. Where I work during the day, the Einsteins who built the building didn't include air conditioning. We have 3 counter fans and 3 ceiling fans and it doesn't walk the dog!
Today was especially hot here... the humidity is still at 88%! Ack! I thought, at least my evening job has air conditioning. Much to my chagrin, I walked in here and it is HOT... HOT... sticky, icky hot... ooh, I sounded like Pinky there! NARF! The air conditioning is broken. GGRR!!! I have a fan at my back and it is barely wafting the mist that is rising off my glistening skin. As you should know, men sweat, women perspire, but Queens glisten!
Oh, did I tell you that I'm hot?
Well, one good thing that happened this week was that the first volume of Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain came out.
If you haven't seen these, they are very entertaining. The Prince and I are HUGE Pinky and the Brain fans. We purchased the Animaniacs, since they started on that show as short segments. To keep our collection complete, the purchase needed to be made... at least that is our logic for our fiscal irresponsibility!
Pinky and the Brain is filled with brilliant spoofs of old movies, politics, and pop culture. We are convinced that it was written for adults. It is such a hoot! Watching the episodes are worth it just for the "ponderings". Check the DVDs out! You won't be sorry!
"Well Queen, what are we going to do tomorrow?" ... "Try to stay ice cold baby!"
Stay cool and safe!