The censor’s sword pierces deeply into the heart of free expression.
"I can imagine no greater disservice to the country than to establish a system of censorship that would deny to the people of a free republic like our own their indisputable right to criticise their own public officials."-- Pres. Woodrow Wilson, April 25, 1917
I came across a story today which reported that Arash Sigarchi, an Iranian blogger, was arrested in January after using his blog to criticise the arrest of other online journalists. He is to be jailed for 14 years on charges of spying and aiding foreign counter-revolutionaries.
In my travels in trying to find out more about Mr. Sigarchi, I came across Committe to Protect Bloggers, which is a blog that basically has information about bloggers around the world and some incidences of being threatened, censored, and even jailed. Mr. Sigarchi is only one of three Iranian bloggers that are currently under arrest.
I have no idea what Mr. Sigarchi's blog says, since it no longer exists. You get an error page. I checked out the other two Iranian blogs, but they are in arabic and I am unable to find a translator on-line. I am not sure what the actual deal is with these people or if I would agree with what they say, but I believe in their right to say it. I may bitch and moan my disagreement with some things I hear on the news or read in the paper, but I totally believe that censorship is wrong. People, whether they are right or wrong, have the right to write or say what they want. This is an ultimate freedom.
I have major problems with artists who create crap like a fecal portrait of the Virgin Mary, but I cannot deny their right to express themselves, even if they are going to Hell for dissin' the baby Gs Mom! :-Þ
I sit at this computer thinking up things to write that will amuse me and I hope others. No big whoop, nothing earth shattering. Then I read that people are being jailed for their blogging. I am just a light fluffy blogger, but there are people out there trying to change their world. It blows me away and quite humbles me.
Even though Mr. Sigarchi's blogging days are over, reporting of his arrest will spread like wildfire with other bloggers and this will hopefully get into the mainstream media and create more bad press for Iran. Maybe pressure will be felt a bit heavier.
I send out good wishes and support to Arash Sigarchi, Mohammad Reza Nasab Abdolahi, Mojtaba Saminejad, Christophe Grébert, and Jani Uusitalo. May freedom be in your future and may the yolk of censorship be broken where you reside.

Say cool and safe!
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