"There was abuse in my family, but it was mostly musical in nature."
-- Terry Bohner in A Mighty Wind
"Real folk music long ago went to Nashville and left no known survivors."
-- Donal Henahan
"Why don't you go listen to some folk music and give me a break!"
-- Taffy in Female Trouble
When the Prince Consort discovers something he likes it becomes an obsession with him. He has been through the Beatles phase, which still periodically pervades our like. He has, is, and will always be in the Dylan phase. I have accompanied him 12 times to see Dylan. As any real Dylan fan knows, Bob can sound clear, crisp, and chatty. Other times, he is incomprehensible. Always... always, he shows up with a tight, outstanding band. If Bob's voice sucks, the music makes up for it. It is all up to Bob's mood.

Anyhoo... this post wasn't supposed to be about Bob... Back to the Prince Consort and his obsessions... He has the heart of a folkie and he has just discovered
Richard Shindell. Tonight he is taking me out to see Mr. Shindell at the
Iron Horse Music Hall, which is a great venue. It is intimate and has a fabulous history. The Prince has forced me to listen a number of Mr. Shindell's songs and I have to say, he is pretty good. The lyrics are very entertaining and the music is a suitable partner. He wrote a GREAT song, Are You Happy Now?, that he better play... one, because I love it and, two, because it is Halloween themed. I am putting the lyrics below and you can listen to a snippet
The music clip is from
Pastemusic.com, so if you like it, visit there to buy the record. It is great!
Are You Happy Now?
You took the toaster when you went
You never paid your half the rent
You took the spices from the rack
But you don’t have to put them back
Cause in your haste on Halloween
You left your camera on the bed
Where we played roles in black and white
You left a role of black and white
I set the timer and thought of you
And put the lense up to my head
I took a photograph for you
What comes out gray is really red
Are you happy now?
I smashed your pumpkin on the floor
The candle flickered at my feet
As goblins flew across the room
The children peered into the room
A cowboy shivered on the porch
As Cinderella checked her watch
A hobo waited in the street
An angel whispered, trick-or-treat
But what was I supposed to do
But to sit there in the dark?
I was amazed to think that you
Could take the candy with you too
Are you happy now?
I’ve sat all night and now it’s dawn
And I cannot believe my eyes
There’s garbage strewn across the lawn
Where we once stared up at the sky
And streams of paper fill the tree
That hovered over you and me
Shaving cream covers the car
That we picked up in Baltimore
Though I know it’s hard to tell
I hope that what’s-his-name treats you well
I still maintain that he’s a bum
But it’s your money – have some fun
And are you happy now?
You always asked why I had not
Written you a verse or two
Since that’s the one thing I regret
I dedicate this one to you
Are you happy now?
Are you?
Let's hope Mr. Shindell shines and I don't get frostbite waiting out front! *BBRR* Oh the sacrifices I make for my hunk o' burnin' love!
Oh, and Donal Henahan, your quote above is crap! Folk music is alive and well, here in Massachusetts.
Stay cool and safe!
Mr. Shindell was FABULOUS and he did the song! He was kind enough to autograph the Prince's CD! He even looks better in person. ;^D
A brother and sister duo,
Judd and Maggie, opened up for him and they were excellent. We bought their CD, which they, too, were kind enough to sign, and it is consistently enjoyable. Highly recommend it!