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Here, I'm always right ...

Here, I'm always right. Here, I am The Queen of the Land. Here, my opinion reigns supreme!

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Friday, February 29, 2008

When Angelina Speaks, Hopefully the World Will Now Believe!

I know it is bad form to directly copy an item rather than provide the link, but I think this is very important! So.. this is copped directly from the Washington Post opinion piece:
Staying to Help in Iraq
We have finally reached a point where humanitarian assistance, from us and others, can have an impact.

By Angelina Jolie
Thursday, February 28, 2008; 1:15 PM

The request is familiar to American ears: "Bring them home."

But in Iraq, where I've just met with American and Iraqi leaders, the phrase carries a different meaning. It does not refer to the departure of U.S. troops, but to the return of the millions of innocent Iraqis who have been driven out of their homes and, in many cases, out of the country.

In the six months since my previous visit to Iraq with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, this humanitarian crisis has not improved. However, during the last week, the United States, UNHCR and the Iraqi government have begun to work together in new and important ways.

We still don't know exactly how many Iraqis have fled their homes, where they've all gone, or how they're managing to survive. Here is what we do know: More than 2 million people are refugees inside their own country -- without homes, jobs and, to a terrible degree, without medicine, food or clean water. Ethnic cleansing and other acts of unspeakable violence have driven them into a vast and very dangerous no-man's land. Many of the survivors huddle in mosques, in abandoned buildings with no electricity, in tents or in one-room huts made of straw and mud. Fifty-eight percent of these internally displaced people are younger than 12 years old.

An additional 2.5 million Iraqis have sought refuge outside Iraq, mainly in Syria and Jordan. But those host countries have reached their limits. Overwhelmed by the refugees they already have, these countries have essentially closed their borders until the international community provides support.

I'm not a security expert, but it doesn't take one to see that Syria and Jordan are carrying an unsustainable burden. They have been excellent hosts, but we can't expect them to care for millions of poor Iraqis indefinitely and without assistance from the U.S. or others. One-sixth of Jordan's population today is Iraqi refugees. The large burden is already causing tension internally.

The Iraqi families I've met on my trips to the region are proud and resilient. They don't want anything from us other than the chance to return to their homes -- or, where those homes have been bombed to the ground or occupied by squatters, to build new ones and get back to their lives. One thing is certain: It will be quite a while before Iraq is ready to absorb more than 4 million refugees and displaced people. But it is not too early to start working on solutions. And last week, there were signs of progress.

In Baghdad, I spoke with Army Gen. David Petraeus about UNHCR's need for security information and protection for its staff as they re-enter Iraq, and I am pleased that he has offered that support. General Petraeus also told me he would support new efforts to address the humanitarian crisis "to the maximum extent possible" -- which leaves me hopeful that more progress can be made.

UNHCR is certainly committed to that. Last week while in Iraq, High Commissioner António Guterres pledged to increase UNHCR's presence there and to work closely with the Iraqi government, both in assessing the conditions required for return and in providing humanitarian relief.

During my trip I also met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who has announced the creation of a new committee to oversee issues related to internally displaced people, and a pledge of $40 million to support the effort.

My visit left me even more deeply convinced that we not only have a moral obligation to help displaced Iraqi families, but also a serious, long-term, national security interest in ending this crisis.

Today's humanitarian crisis in Iraq -- and the potential consequences for our national security -- are great. Can the United States afford to gamble that 4 million or more poor and displaced people, in the heart of Middle East, won't explode in violent desperation, sending the whole region into further disorder?

What we cannot afford, in my view, is to squander the progress that has been made. In fact, we should step up our financial and material assistance. UNHCR has appealed for $261 million this year to provide for refugees and internally displaced persons. That is not a small amount of money -- but it is less than the U.S. spends each day to fight the war in Iraq. I would like to call on each of the presidential candidates and congressional leaders to announce a comprehensive refugee plan with a specific timeline and budget as part of their Iraq strategy.

As for the question of whether the surge is working, I can only state what I witnessed: U.N. staff and those of non-governmental organizations seem to feel they have the right set of circumstances to attempt to scale up their programs. And when I asked the troops if they wanted to go home as soon as possible, they said that they miss home but feel invested in Iraq. They have lost many friends and want to be a part of the humanitarian progress they now feel is possible.

It seems to me that now is the moment to address the humanitarian side of this situation. Without the right support, we could miss an opportunity to do some of the good we always stated we intended to do.

Angelina Jolie, an actor, is a UNHCR goodwill ambassador.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bliss is Coming... Hopefully This Weekend!

"Oh, bite me."
"Darling, I'd love to, but you're on duty."
"Get in the goddamn car."
"Please, Eve, these public displays of affection must stop. I have a reputation."
"Keep it up, ace, and I'll give you a public display of affection that'll have you limping for a week."
"Now I'm excited."
-- Lt. Eve Dallas and Roarke,
Vengeance In Death

"Not romance but companionship makes the happiness of daily life."
-- Mason Cooley, U.S. aphorist.

"Mason Cooley is a fucking idiot!"
-- The Queen of the Land

The above is an example of the excellent exchanges that J.D. Robb creates for Eve and Roarke. The "In Death" books are my favorite and I get so cranked when they come out. This time around, the lovely Lady Leafton, Duchess of Druid purchased the newest one (shown on the left) and I am sure she is about finished and is almost ready to pass it on to me.... Right milady? Hee.. hee... I can't wait! I need a break from The Fountainhead, which I have rightly and justly made my "bathroom book" if you get my drift. What torture that has been to sludge through...

I think if I close my eyes tight enough and wish hard enough ... surely Roarke will appear!

Stay cool and safe!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A New Crack House to Try...

"... most bereaved souls crave nourishment more tangible than prayers: they want a steak. What is more, they need a steak. Preferably they need it rare, grilled, heavily salted, for that way it is most easily digested, and most quickly turned into the glandular whip their tired adrenals cry for."
-- Saul M.F.K. Fisher, U.S. author and food expert

"A guy works all day, he don't want to look at his plate and ask, 'What the fuck is this?' He wants to look at his plate, see a steak, and say 'I like steak!'."
-- Pascal, Big Night

"I nearly always find, when I ask a vegetarian if he is a socialist, or a socialist if he is a vegetarian, that the answer is in the affirmative."
-- Katharine Fullerton Gerould, U.S. author

I love meat. I think, on some primitive level, the majority of us at some point crave meat. The taste, the texture, the sensual experience of it. There has to be some caveman still in our DNA.

If I chose, I think I could be a vegetarian for a long while, but I know at some point I would need a nice steak done medium. Juicy, pink, sumptuous. *SIGH*

I have a friend who believes if you can catch it with your barehands, you can eat it. This I totally get behind. I can't catch a deer, rabbit, etc., but I can catch a cow, a pig, and a chicken. I can't bring myself to eat venison or rabbit. I know it's stupid and just semantics, but maybe it's cause they are beautiful and seem to have a grace and intelligence that shines through. A cow, pig, and chicken seem dumber than a box of rocks and just seem to be waiting there for self sacrifice.

I totally honor their sacrifice and am grateful for them giving up their life to fill my belly. I truly mean it. I think that an animal should be raised honorably and humanely. I think they should never feel an ounce of pain in their death. Give them all the room they need to prance around if it will make them more tasty.

Anyhoo... the Prince Consort and I dined at LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE in Boston last week and the steak was phenomenal.

This is how the meal went... I started out with a New Castle Ale. For appetizers we had the LongHorn Shrimp & Lobster Dip and the Texas Tonion™. The dip was pretty good, but greasy as hell. I wouldn't order it again. The Tonion was quite yummy. Then I had a salad with bleu cheese which was a typical salad. I had steamed asparagus that came out on the plate with the steak and the spears were dripping in grease/oil. UGH... I cook better asparagus than that! I also had their jalapeno coleslaw, which was just so, so. It would have been much better if it was cold. I am on a HUGE jalepeno and anything hot kick, since it is supposed to speed up your metabolism and I am all for making my big ole' butt smaller.

Now for the main event, which made it all worth while... The Renegade which is 8 oz. tender USDA Choice top sirloin, seasoned with Prairie Dust™. OUTSTANDING!!! The best steak out that I have had in years.

Around where we live, we usually go to DAKOTA STEAKHOUSE. They make a nice steak or grilled salmon if you choose. Their salad bar is a quality one, where you aren't creeped out as to usage. Their seasonal vegetable is always broccoli, which, unfortunately, I can't have much of due tot he vitamin K factor. They have this bison bread, which is to die for. Really awesome!

I have been to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and it is pretty good, but pricey! The Prince Consort and I have had steak at GALLAGHER'S STEAK HOUSE in New York City, a place that the Late Dowager Queen and the King went to on their honeymoon, so it has a special place in my heart. The meat is just hanging in the window. It is actually pretty cool. At some point I would like to go to Morton's and Delmonico's. I think a quest for the best steak is a worthy one!

Stay cool and safe!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

And the Oscar Goes To...

"So, how come you're not watching the Oscars tonight?"
-- Martin Storm, Hard to Kill

"You're saying the Oscars are also political, OH FUCK OFF."
-- Robin Williams, Live On Broadway

"A comedian at the Oscars, the saddest man of all, your movies may make millions but your name will never be called.
-- Will Ferrell

"Shut Up and Sing."
-- Laura Ingraham

All I ask is that they play nice, look pretty, and shut the Fuck Up...

Stay cool and safe!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

¡Yupi! ¡El dictador pequeño ha renunciado!

"Quotes from Mao, Castro, and Che Guevara ... are as germane to our highly technological, computerized society as a stagecoach on a jet runway at Kennedy airport."
-- Saul Alinsky, U.S. radical activist

"La historia me absolver."
-- Fidel Castro, Dic[k]tator of Cuba

"Castro is a Cuban bullshit artist who has been taken in by Russian bullshit artists!"
-- Orlando Ramirez, Moscow on the Hudson

FINALLY! Not that anything will change, but a girl can dream!

Stay cool and safe!

Monday, February 18, 2008

And So It Begins...

"What, can the devil speak true?"
-- William Shakespeare

"...do not make room for the devil."
-- Ephesians 4:27

"I have given suck, and know
How tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me;
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums
And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn
As you have done to this."
-- Lady MacBeth

"This planet is getting hot. And the only way to solve Global Warming is to elect Hillary Clinton... because that is one cold bitch!"
-- Dana Carvey, impersonating Al Gore

"Looks like Hillary could be our next President... you never know... she's got her chance. Although when I read her book and she said she didn't know that Bill ran around on her I remember thinking "Really? I don't think you're smart enough to be my President"
-- Dennis Miller

Ah, the Handmaiden and Valet of Satan have finally decided to start their nuclear offensive against Mr. Obama. It's all downhill from here. I feel the Prince Consort and I should hunker down with our buttered popcorn to enjoy the show. Those two are mighty nasty pieces of work who would sell one of Chelsea's kidneys to a Chinese businessman on dialysis for a campaign contribution.

A little accusations of PLAGARISM, a little insinuation of DRUG USE AND DEALING, a little off-handed remark of BIGOTRY, ... they are so predictable. I am surprised they waited this long to start the character assasination campaign!

Mr. Obama, I think you're okay... I am still not voting for you, but I think you're okay. Take my advice... get the Kevlar out, keep your pants zipped, your weapons loaded, and back to the wall. They're comin' for you.

And always... stay cool and safe.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Finally... Smart Support from the Celebs!

"But Cuba doesn’t have a dictatorship – it’s a revolutionary democracy."
-- Hugo Chávez, Venezuelan President

"Mr. Chávez is my brother, he is a friend of the Iranian nation and the people seeking freedom around the world. He works perpetually against the dominant system. He is a worker of God and servant of the people."
-- Mahmoud Aquavelvajad, Iranian President

"Let's save the human race, let's finish off the U.S. empire!"
-- Hugo Chávez

"I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery."
-- Aeschylus

"'Cos he's guilty as sin, and he's a Commie bastard."
-- Gene Hunt, Life on Mars

"Why don’t you shut up?"
-- King Juan Carlos of Spain to Hugo Chávez

As one may guess, I have a major problem with Communism. It sucks. The concept is seductive, but the reality always creates petty dictatorships that end up suppressing the masses... usually murdering them. Communist Leaders purport to be about freedom, but I suspect that they are the losers who didn't make the football team if you get my drift.

One of my favorite anti-communism images is the one that I used here. It enrages me the iconic patina that has been bestowed on Ché "Murdering Pig Fucker" Guevara. Seeing our youth idolize this thug is quite repugnant to me. A great article can be found HERE on the real Ché.

Another charmer is Hugo Chávez. He wants us Americans dead! What a prick! He has shut down news agencies, radio stations, etc. Yeah, he is all about freedom. I am so delighted that the Venezuelan people voted down his attempt to pass a "President for life" referendum. He must firmly be defeated in the next round of elections.

It has really pissed me off to see celebrities like Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Diego Maradona, Kevin Spacey, and Naomi Campbell, etc. visiting and supporting this bastard. It is an embarrassment!

It is nice to read that some celebrities have come out in support of Alejandro Sanz, a Spanish singer who has been vocal in his criticism of Chávez and who had all of his Venezuelan Tour dates cancelled by the government. Stars like Shakira, Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, Penelope Cruz, and David Beckham signed a letter that stated they "believe in a Latin America where we are all free to express our views." Muy excellenté! To read the article about their support click HERE

I also love King Juan Carlos of Spain for his tussle with the little prick back in November. To read about that click HERE

People who stand up to dictators should be everyone on the planets heroes. Maybe instead of giving Al Eeyore, a la "Brainy the Pooh", the Nobel Peace Prize or having Vladimir "Stalin is My Homeboy" Putin as Time's Man of the Year we could appreciate and acknowlege THESE BRAVE PEOPLE.

Well, I am getting off my soapbox! Remember...

Commies aren't cool and always... stay cool and safe!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Nou Nou Abroad...

"The thing is, Adam, time travel is like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book. You've got to throw yourself in, eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers - or is that just me? Stop asking questions. Go and do it!"
-- The Doctor, Doctor Who

"That's it! I'm going to Paris! I'm going to shop my ass off!"
-- Donna, Becker

"An au pair is a live-in baby sitter. They work for room and board. They're usually foreigners"
-- Jack Gallo, Just Shoot Me

"Behave yourself cherie... or Nanny will be forced to use the wooden spoon!"
-- Belize, Angels In America

"Didn't your mother tell you not to talk to strange frogs?"
-- Kermit, The Muppets at Walt Disney World

Well, Lady Cigar Head recommended that I get back to posting on this blog. I keep on meaning to and her suggestion is just the impetus I need. I am not sure how consistent I will be, but I will try to be better!

Since, our Little Buttercup made the suggestion, it seems only right that I write about her and the absolutely fabulous adventure she is on.

MerciLady Cigar Head had been the Marquessa of Mount Holyoke, but was gifted by the Queen with a higher title... La Tête de Cigare de Dame, la Princesse de Paris. I am sure that my French translation of Lady Cigar Head, Princess of Paris leaves something to be desired. I assume, she will let me know how right or wrong I am.

Anyhoo... before going to school to become a Barrister Extrodinairé, she has taken a year off and decided to be an au Pair for a French family.

She has been in Paris since August and is having the time of her life... sucking the marrow out of outrageous fortune... All with an excellent sidekick and a besotted french paramour. Ah... life is good for her. Taking care of the kids during the day and setting Paris on fire at night. She is a Monet freak, so her trip to Giverney was a spiritual experience. Very cool! How I envy her...

To follow her travels and exploits, check out Emberina's Blog. To follow her escapades as a Nou Nou (Nanny), checkout Ember In Paris. Her posts are a hoot and her photography amazing so, when you get a chance, take a look.

She is a stellar gourmet cook and will comeback practically fluent in French... this in addition to being fluent in Italian. She is a pretty amazing young Princess in Waiting. We miss her awful!

Well, it is snowing like a S.O.B. here, so I will be heading home early. The Prince Consort awaits my safe return. And remember...

Rester froid et sûr!