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Here, I'm always right ...

Here, I'm always right. Here, I am The Queen of the Land. Here, my opinion reigns supreme!

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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Deep man, deep....

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

-- Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Stealing a post idea from my favorite soldier... Hee,hee!

"Books won’t stay banned. They won’t burn. Ideas won’t go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost."
-- Alfred Whitney Griswold

"What I feel most moved to write, that is banned,—it will not pay. Yet, altogether, write the other way I cannot. So the product is a final hash, and all my books are botches."
-- Herman Melville

"Free speech is not to be regulated like diseased cattle and impure butter. The audience … that hissed yesterday may applaud today, even for the same performance."
-- William O. Douglas, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Dissenting opinion in 5-4 ruling that banned sale of obscene books, June 24, 1957

"Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing."
-- Scout, To Kill A Mockingbird

My witty and talented CyBro had a GREAT post today that reminded me of something that I had forgotten was coming up. September 24th to October 1st is Banned Books Week. In his post, he gives a portion of the list of banned books and it just amazes me what is included. Make sure you check it out. Thank the Lord we have come a long way! Just thought you all might like to know that the Prince Consort and my favorite banned book is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

Stay cool and safe and read a banned book this week!

Monday, September 26, 2005

We are not amused....

"The age of chivalry is past. Bores have succeeded to dragons."
-- Benjamin Disraeli

"All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness!"
-- Tennessee Williams

"You cad!, you dirty swine!"
-- Mildred Rogers in Of Human Bondage

"You have all the makings of an outstanding boor."
-- Charles Tobin in Saboteur

I used to like Bill Maher. I loved him as a stand-up comic. He was witty, funny, and very entertaining. As his star began to fall, he decided to go the political route. I enjoyed his show Politically Incorrect and found that it was balanced with guests that were on both sides of the aisle. His libertarian leaning was interesting. His bashing of GW has been over the top for a while and we accept that that is the way of the MSM world these days. GW can take it. To a degree, I think that whoever was in office would suffer some abuse, not as much as the hatred that GW endures, but it would be plenty none the less.

Well, the Prince Consort and I get HBO and we saw Bill Maher's latest show on Saturday night. I have to say the only reason we tuned in is because we love Christopher Hitchens. We will watch anything Hitch is on. Bill went into bashing mode with fake picture props fresh off his color printer. He went on with a National Enquire story how GW has fallen off the wagon. They were all pretty stupid and I didn't have a problem until he showed a Photoshopped picture of First Lady Laura Bush with a black eye... This is supposed to be funny? Domestic Abuse is funny? Making light of women who have been beaten is funny? This is the lowest of low...

Come on N.O.W., let's get your squeaky wheels rolling. Let's hear your outrage... Or does making a media firestorm against one who makes sport of an abused woman's plight only apply to insults against Democrats?

Stay cool and safe... and Bill, the closest you could even come to being of Laura Bush's class is being her toe jam...

Friday, September 23, 2005

Rest, Sweet Prince...

"Soldier, rest! thy warfare o’er,
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking;
Dream of battled fields no more,
Days of danger, nights of waking."
-- Sir Walter Scott

Yoan is home for some well deserved R & R before he returns to the trenches... Enjoy Yoan! Thank you for all you do!

Stay cool and safe!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

"...the day will come when man will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside but in the councils of the nation."

"I vote for the future of my country. I hope the old times never come back."
-- Fahima, Afghani female teacher and voter

"I am so happy to see all these women coming out of their homes to vote ... At the entrance candidates were trying to tell them to vote for them but the women said, 'It's my choice'..."
-- Shahida Hussein, Afghani candiate and voter

Over the weekend, Afghanistan had their parlimentary elections. Once again, the women braved threats and reprisals to vote!

You go ladies! To read more click: Here.

Stay cool and safe!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

I hate that place... but I was hypnotized ... oh why did I go there?! *SOB*

"You bastards! Why are you torturing me like this? Why?"
-- Ash in The Evil Dead

"But there are also discreditable anguishes, no less excruciating than the others, but of which the sufferer dare not, cannot speak. The anguish of thwarted desire, for example."
-- Aldous Huxley

I have been absolutely obsessed with getting something I haven't had for a while. Butternut squash ravioli in a sweet maple sauce. A local "fancy, schmancy, shi shi" market has carried them for years in their deli. They serve it cold and they are heavenly.

One of the problems is that I hate going to that market. It is a place that carries hard to find items. It is ridiculously expensive. The workers are fine, but the customers suck! They are all these obnoxious tourists from the neighboring state who have a elitist mentality of entitlement. I loathe all of them... They are a bunch of rude fuckers... Selfish, rude, fuckers...

It took me over a week to fall victim of my obsessive desire for these medallions of delight. Today the Prince Consort and I braved entry into the snobbery... and much to my livid chagrin... they not only were out of them, but they have discontinued offering them! Bastards!!!!!

I hate them... may their pinko, commie, bastard hearts fry from the heat of a thousand suns!

We will never go there... I boycott everything they are associated with... Cripes, who am I kidding... I saw they had Double Devon Clotted Cream... how can I fight their fiendish ways?

Stay cool and safe!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Ah, she is a brave one!

"The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff."
-- Britney Spears

"Thou art a cat, and a rat, and a coward."
-- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

So, I understand Britney gave birth to a boy via cesarean section. Being ashamedly interested, I came across a bit of info that in the October issue of Elle magazine, she said she'd prefer to have a C-section. Why you ask?... The mature and womanly Mrs. Federline said... "I don't want to go through the pain."

I guess she found a whore doctor who would do what she wanted. Britney, you are a cowardly little girl. Send my regards to the nanny...

Stay cool and safe!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hello, I am the Queen of the Land and I am a Peanut Butteraholic...

"I wouldn't give a hot-diggety-damn for any sonofabitch who doesn't love American Classic peanut butter!"
-- Peter in Just a Kiss

"The cat won't fit in the toaster. Never mind, I'll make a peanut butter sandwich, where's the blender?"
-- ALF

"Who would guess that a peanut butter and bacon sandwich is so good it will bring tears to your eyes? It does. Add lettuce, and you have a complete meal, with every known daily nutrient needed by the average 200 pound man."
-- Roger Welsch, 'Diggin' In and Piggin' Out'

We have been out of peanut butter for a couple weeks. It is really getting to me. The Prince Consort and I absolutely love peanut butter. I more so than he... He is a Chocojunkie... Sad but true.

I am trying to curb my gluttonous ways, so I have purposefully NOT bought peanut butter... I have a feeling this weekend that will change. Do people get DTs from cold turkeying peanut butter? I am pretty sure they do... Yeah... *GULP* They do. I gotta get that monkey back on my back.

I love everything peanut butter. Cookies, cakes, fudge, even Thai dishes. I know I have the problem. I am trying to work through it... yeah right... I got me a PB jones on the size of the Sears Towers in Chicago.

The ultimate peanut butter indulgence to me is a Fluffernutter. Anyone who has no idea what I am talking about, do this... get out of the chair, step away from the computer, and bow down, because you will worship me like an awesome Goddess when I impart what it is... You take two slices of bread. Spread one slice with marshmallow Fluff... not that marshmallow Creme crap from Kraft... and the other slice with peanut butter. Put the slices together, take a bite, and let the Elysian delights overpower you. Cripes, I think my heart is racing just thinking about it...

I have to warn you, as good as you think it is, it is nothing compared to the perfect Fluffernutter that our next door neighbor used make when I was just a little princess. The wonderful Mrs. Gregoire, not only babysat me, but made the absolute PERFECT Fluffernutter. I still to this day have no idea how she did it. I have never been able to replicate it and, believe me, I have tried thousands of times. She created a flawless melangé of heavenly taste that I pine for often. Unfortunately, Mrs. Gregoire is no longer with us, but that sweet memory with be with me till my cold body is in the grave. Boy do I miss her!

Anyhoo... I am going to end now... and remember my children, "Choosy Queens choose Jif!"

Stay cool and safe!

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Phoenix Has Risen...

This queen will live. Nature awakes,
A warmth breathes out of her.
She hath not been Entranced above five hours.
See how she ‘gins
To blow into life’s flower again.
-- William Shakespeare

Well, I have returned. I was on vacation from the place where I usually do my postings. I have missed my people. I actually feel dizzy with thoughts to write. So much has happened over the past few weeks, but you all know that. I just can't get things in order. So much to say, with so little ambition...

There is one thing I definitely want to mention and it is about the Hurricane. The Prince Consort and my relief charity of choice is the Salvation Army.

Growing up, the Old Fox drilled into all of our heads that the only people who where there on the front lines when he was in the service during WWII was the Salvation Army.

Not once have I ever heard them associated with shameful earmarking of monies that were donated for one cause, but were going to be used to spruce up the office! Also, don't forget that Alabama and Mississippi were slammed too! Alot of towns and cities above sea level need your help!

Stay cool and safe!

P.S. I do think it amusing that those who hate W have suddenly made him more powerful than God. Idiots! Read Ben Stein's rebuttal post via my cyber-Bro, who just had a birthday and probably thinks I forgot about him! Never!

Bro, this is the year of late gift giving... the Virginia Vixen and her kin have been waiting for eons! Patience is appreciated!

** UPDATE **
I was speaking with the Dowager Queen today and she reminded me that my grandfather, who fought in about every major battle in WWI (I kid you not - His discharge papers are incredible.) was a HUGE supporter of the Salvation Army and their work during WWI. Just wanted to add this tidbit!